Tuesday, July 15, 2014

so mother fucking close!

Hi so another update since I figure I might as well track my last remaining month(s)??? of braces. Today they took off a bunch of my ceramic brackets and put in metal ones for who the hell knows but whatever. Then they made little anchors out of wire on two of my top teeth and two on my bottom teeth so that they I can put a rubber band on them. I had rubber bands before but this time it's a fucking rubber band box in the front of my mouth (like actually) it looks awful but whatever at least it's summer so i don't care who sees me looking like this at home. This box is apparently supposed to close my bite. I have an appointment in 4 weeks so I'm hoping to God that my bite is closed and that my braces will be OFF! I will be the happiest person alive if that's the case! Oy. That is all. Here's a picture of my gorgeous teeth...

One last picture just because I can :D

Monday, June 23, 2014

Not that anyone reads my shit..

SOOOOOOO it appears my last post was at one year of braces...it's almost been 3 years with these mother fucking things on my teeth... they are completely straight...but my damn bite. I'm now wearing rubber bands. Any ways I figure I might as well show a little update just for me so I know that these 3 years of braces are worth it.... -__-

1 month into braces...fucking gross (note: it wasn't even possible to show all my teeth in the picture if I attempted smile into the camera)

1 year into braces...yay straight teeth!

3 years with braces...they're straight but my damn bite needs to fucking close!

How I feel about having braces...yes they make me want to pull my hair out...better yet they make me want to rip these horrid things off my teeth one by one. having braces in college is hell. ignore all my optimism I ever felt toward having braces at the beginning. i hate them and i want them off this summer because i can't stand them and i hate having to waist gas to drive back home every month for 15 minutes (because that's how long my appointments are) and then make the 1 hour and 30 minute drive all the way back to college.