Saturday, October 29, 2011

snow in october...oh and braces appt

No tears this appointment! Let's see nothing too painful,  they added a bracket to one of my bottom teeth since there's finally space for it and on the right side of my mouth I got a power chain. It's blue! That kinda hurt but not enough to make me cry! Dumb bitch didn't let me pick the color of the rest of my bands. I should have spoke up. Oh well. Umm yeah. It hurts to bite down on that side. Other than that I will be back at my ortho in December. Seems longer than usual. Hope this power chain does its job! I will defo take a picture if I see this crooked tooth straighten out!

Picture Time!

My head is tilted so everything looks more crooked. Oh well!

Peace out. Time to pregame then tailgate!
Maybe if I get some alcohol in me it'll numb the pain lol :-P
Oh wait I'm only 20 I shouldn't be drinking.
Ok!! Time to get ready!
Bye to the 0 people who read my blog!
xoxo gossip girl Emily