Tuesday, February 21, 2012

i wish my teeth could just magically straighten over night.

i'm so sick of braces! i had to get like this laser gum surgery-ish thing.
i couldn't tell you what they did because my eyes were closed and i was literally crying the entire time. my entire right side of my mouth was numb and apparently they used some laser to get rid of gum tissue...honestly i don't know. On that tooth there was a button (no idea what that is) and they took that off and added a bracket. They finally added brackets to all my bottom teeth. They made one tooth have a metal bracket which is gona look ridiculous once they all straighten out since everything else is ceramic. whatevs. They added a powerchain to half of my bottom teeth. I asked for pink this time because I figured since I'm stuck with a metal mouth-ceramic mouth-for 1 year and a half I might as well change things up a bit. My mouth hurts as usual. Here's a picture...
Talk to you in 6 weeks or if anything changes I'll post a picture!
Time to do homework that I procrastinated on as usual!
Love ME!